Place and Wellbeing Outcome Indicators
Thu 23rd Jan
2:00pm - 4:00pm
MS Teams
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With both National Planning Framework 4 and the National Planning Improvement Framework asking that Planning Authorities take a more place-based approach, this event looks at the role of the Place and Wellbeing Outcome Indicators.

This will include:

  • Background to the proposed indicator set.
  • How to access and use the indicators.
  • Their role in building understanding about the context of place and wellbeing locally, including for Local Development Plan evidence gathering.
  • How they can inform your work and support your decision making processes.
  • Aims for development so we can maximise robust use of the indicators.

This session will hear from the colleagues in Public Health Scotland who are developing the Indicators to support the ambitions of the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes and in response to a request from Heads of Planning Scotland.