Overview and Templates

Where are we now?

Workforce Profile Workforce profiling brings together a range of data about the make-up of the workforce.
Self Assessment Assessing the current workforce planning activity in the organisation.

Where are we going?

What changes and challenges are coming up?

Strategic Skills Needs Assessment Understanding the skills needed for the future.

How will we get there?

What are the potential implications for the workforce?

What actions are needed to deliver the changes?

Demand Analysis and Critical PostsCritical posts that are essential for the operation of the organisation in the future.
Changes, Actions and SolutionsKey changes, or trends affecting the workforce, what the impact will be and potential actions and solutions.

The templates have been developed to support workforce planning activities and capture information. They can all be downloaded and adapted to suit, and to link to relevant plans and strategies that are in place.

Amanda Spark - Programme Manager, Organisational Development
Audrey Clark - HR Adviser, Early Learning and Childcare