Fraserburgh Project Town

Our work in Fraserburgh will continue until October 2024.

About our Fraserburgh Project Town

Fraserburgh is situated in the far northeast corner of Aberdeenshire and was our sixth Project Town to be added. It is different to the other six project towns in the Programme, as the Project Lead position is employed by the local authority, Aberdeenshire Council, rather than the Improvement Service. This has meant a wider awareness and investment from the Aberdeenshire local authority from the start of the work in Fraserburgh.

Whilst Fraserburgh was recently recognised for its regeneration work (Most Improved Place in Scotland 2021: SURF Awards), it currently has the lowest ranking of the Aberdeenshire intermediate zones based on the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), with one zone falling into the 10% most deprived in Scotland, (Fraserburgh Harbour and Broadsea) and so it therefore met our programme criteria for support.

Fraserburgh’s Steering Group is made up mostly of members from Aberdeenshire Council, NHS Grampian Public Health Team, Police Scotland, Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership, Fraserburgh Academy and NHS Grampian Alcohol and Drug Partnership and has met monthly since April 2023.

What has been the impact of the Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme in Fraserburgh?

How has our Programme helped to strengthen the development of work in Fraserburgh? Read Fraserburgh: An Impact Story

Fraserburgh's Data Journey

The support from the Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme began with our quantitative data exercise to identify the population groups of Fraserburgh experiencing the most inequality, carried out with support from the Public Health Scotland Local Intelligence System Team (LIST). This is captured in a Quantitative Data Profile of the findings that allowed us to identify four main areas of impact around:

  • Mental health
  • Poverty
  • Substance use
  • Police interventions

We have shared our findings through:

To understand residents’ experiences of the places they live, work and relax, our Community Link Leads aimed to bring this quantitative data to life by undertaking a qualitative data gathering exercise which was informal in its approach, and prioritised building relationships with third sector organisations and community groups, combined with desk-based searches. We have shared our findings through:

Read more about our data journey here.

Place and Wellbeing Outcome Briefings: Impact on Fraserburgh’s Community

We are putting together a series of useful briefing documents which explore the impact of the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes on the Fraserburgh community. Take a look at our briefings below, which sit under the Place and Wellbeing Outcome Themes, and highlight the evidence behind each of the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes, exploring how this affects communities, organisations and practitioners in Fraserburgh.


Fraserburgh's Place and Wellbeing Assessments

Fraserburgh has also undertaken a number of Place and Wellbeing Assessments:

  • Beachfront Masterplan
  • Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership Strategic Plan
  • Fraserburgh Primary School Merger
  • Clatt Primary School

Following each Place and Wellbeing Assessment a report is produced recommending how a more place based approach can be taken. If you’re interested in our approach, read Fraserburgh’s Place and Wellbeing Assessment reports in full.

Watch this video from Public Health Scotland to learn how our Programme has been implemented within Alloa and Fraserburgh, two of the Project Towns the Programme is working in.

Contact us

Fraserburgh Project Lead

Laura Stewart, Project Lead for Fraserburgh

Fraserburgh Community Link Lead

Matthew Smart, Community Link Lead for Fraserburgh