PSIF Within Community Planning Partnerships

Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs) are tasked to deliver the outcomes identified in Local Outcomes Improvement Plans (LOIP) for each area in Scotland and comprise of officers from local government, the NHS, police, fire and the third sector amongst others.

The key aim of self-assessment at this level is to support the Board of the CPP to ensure that areas such as governance, accountability, leadership and performance management are fit for purpose to achieve the outcomes of the LOIP.

The following PSIF based frameworks for CPP’s are available to support self-assessment. These are:

The CPP Partnership Checklist

Allows CPP’s to assess their own performance against the expectations of the Community Empowerment Act and how the Board is performing as a partnership.

Thematic Partnership Checklist

This framework is designed to support self-assessment of CPP thematic groups, for example community safety, health improvement and lifelong learning.

How do you get started?

The PSIF team engages with many Community Planning Partnerships wishing to undertake a self-assessment.

If you are interested in undertaking a Community Planning Partnership self-assessment please contact

Barry McLeod - Programme Manager, PSIF
Thomas Boyle - Project Manager, PSIF