
This toolkit follows a five step model which highlights a range of different tools that could be used, it is not expected that all tools will need to be used but instead allows for flexibility within your own organisation to use approaches that may be familiar.

We understand that each council is unique and therefore in terms of where the Improvement Service can provide support may require to be tailored for your own organisation.

The below sets out some examples of the type of support we can provide, this is not exhaustive and we would be delighted to have a further conversation about what a support package for your council may look like.


  • The IS can build skills and capacity across your organisation on the five step process by providing train the trainer workshops to enable council colleagues to then deploy the approach within their organisation.
  • The IS can build skills and capacity through virtual workshops on any of the tools within the toolkit. These would be practical workshops on what the tools are, how to use and any pitfalls to watch out for.
  • The IS can provide support to change and OD staff to build capacity within councils to undertake facilitation support around all or some of the steps in the process.
  • The IS can support your organisation to identify the tools that may be of most use for your organisation and can support with the planning of any workshops, including providing tips on the delivery of sessions virtually.

Horizon Scanning

  • The IS will continue to undertake research on the latest available information.

Shared learning and practice

  • Our OD and change management networks are regularly meeting to gather learning and practice. Outputs from each session are produced which enable ease of shared learning and practice.
  • Furthermore, we will develop our Thought Leadership Series work and will grow our COVID-19 International Group which will enable of sharing learning and practice internationally.
Amanda Spark - Programme Manager, Organisational Development
Clare Sherry - Programme Manager, Change Management