list of indicators

See below for the full list of indicators for all services, or use the links below to jump to the relevant section.

Children's Services |  Adult Social Care |  Culture & Leisure |  Environmental Services |  Corporate Services |  Housing |  Economic Development and Planning |  Tackling Climate Change

Children's Services

CHN1: Cost per primary school pupil

CHN2: Cost per secondary school pupil

CHN3: Cost per pre-school education place

CHN4: Percentage of pupils gaining 5+ awards at level 5

CHN5: Percentage of pupils gaining 5+ awards at level 6

CHN6: Percentage of pupils living in the 20% most deprived areas gaining 5+ awards at level 5

CHN7: Percentage of of pupils living in the 20% most deprived areas gaining 5+ awards at level 6

CHN8a: The gross cost of "children looked after" in residential based services per child per week

CHN8b: The gross cost of "children looked after" in a community setting per child per week

CHN9: Balance of care for 'looked after children': % of children being looked after in the community

CHN10: Percentage of adults satisfied with local schools

CHN11: Percentage of pupils entering positive destinations

CHN12a: Overall average total tariff

CHN12b: Average total tariff SIMD quintile 1

CHN12c: Average total tariff SIMD quintile 2

CHN12d: Average total tariff SIMD quintile 3

CHN12e: Average total tariff SIMD quintile 4

CHN12f: Average total tariff SIMD quintile 5

CHN13a: Percentage of P1, P4 and P7 pupils combined achieving expected CFE level in literacy

CHN13b: Percentage of P1, P4 and P7 pupils combined achieving expected CFE level in numeracy

CHN14a: Literacy attainment gap (P1,4,7 combined) - percentage point gap between the least deprived and most deprived pupils

CHN14b: Numeracy attainment gap (P1,4,7 combined) - percentage point gap between the least deprived and most deprived pupils

CHN17: Percentage of children meeting developmental milestones

CHN18: Percentage of funded early years provision which is graded good/better

CHN19a: School attendance rates

CHN19b: School attendance rates

CHN20a: School exclusion rates (per 1,000 pupils)

CHN20b: School exclusion rates (per 1,000 'looked after children')

CHN21: Participation rate for 16-19 year olds (per 100)

CHN22: Percentage of child protection re-registrations within 18 months

CHN23: Percentage LAC with more than 1 placement in the last year (Aug-July)

CHN24: Percentage of children living in poverty (after housing costs)

Adult Social Care

SW1: Home care costs per hour for people aged 65 or over

SW2: Direct Payments + Managed Personalised Budgets spend on adults 18+ as a percentage of total social work spend on adults 18+

SW3a: Percentage of people aged 65 or over with with long-term care needs receiving personal care at home

SW4b: Percentage of adults supported at home who agree that their services and support had an impact in improving or maintaining their quality of life

SW4c: Percentage of adults supported at home who agree that they are supported to live as independently as possible

SW4d: Percentage of adults supported at home who agree that they had a say in how their help, care or support was provided

SW4e: Percentage of carers who feel supported to continue in their caring role

SW5: Residential costs per week per resident for people aged 65 or over

SW6: Rate of readmission to hospital within 28 days per 1,000 discharges

SW7: Proportion of care services graded 'good' (4) or better in Care Inspectorate inspections

SW8: Number of days people spend in hospital when they are ready to be discharged, per 1,000 population (75+)

Culture and Leisure

C&L1: Cost per attendance at sports facilities

C&L2: Cost per library visit

C&L3: Cost of museums per visit

C&L4: Cost of parks & open spaces per 1,000 population

C&L5a: Percentage of adults satisfed with libraries

C&L5b: Percentage of adults satisfed with parks and open spaces

C&L5c: Percentage of adults satisfed with museums and galleries

C&L5d: Percentage of adults satisfed with leisure facilities

Environmental Services

ENV1a: Net cost of waste collection per premise

ENV2a: Net cost of waste disposal per premise

ENV3a: Net cost of street cleaning per 1,000 population

ENV3c: Street Cleanliness Score

ENV4a: Cost per kilometre of roads

ENV4b: Percentage of A Class roads that should be considered for maintenance treatment

ENV4c: Percentage of B Class roads that should be considered for maintenance treatment

ENV4d: Percentage of C Class roads that should be considered for maintenance treatment

ENV4e: Percentage of U Class roads that should be considered for maintenance treatment

ENV5: Cost of trading standards and environmental health per 1,000 population

ENV5a: Cost of Trading Standards, Money Advice & Citizen Advice per 1000

ENV5b: Cost of environmental health per 1,000 population

ENV6: Percentage of total household waste arising that is recycled

ENV7a: Percentage of adults satisfied with refuse collection

ENV7b: Percentage of adults satisfied with street cleaning

Corporate Services

CORP 1: Support services as a % of total gross expenditure

CORP 3b: Percentage of the highest paid 5% employees who are women

CORP 3c: The gender pay gap (%)

CORP 4: The cost per dwelling of collecting council tax

CORP 6a: Sickness absence days per teacher

CORP 6b: Sickness absence days per employee (non-teacher)

CORP 7: Percentage of income due from council tax received by the end of the year

CORP 8: Percentage of invoices sampled that were paid within 30 days

CORP 9: Proportion of SWF Crisis Grants decisions within 1 day

CORP 10: Proportion of SWF Community Care Grants decisions within 15 days

CORP 11: Proportion of SWF Budget Spent

CORP 12: Proportion of DHP Funding Spent

CORP-ASSET1: Proportion of operational buildings that are suitable for their current use

CORP-ASSET2: Proportion of internal floor area of operational buildings in satisfactory condition


HSN1b: Gross rent arrears (all tenants) as at 31 March each year as a percentage of rent due for the reporting year

HSN2: Percentage of rent due in the year that was lost due to voids

HSN3: Percentage of council dwellings meeting Scottish Housing Standards

HSN4b: Average number of days taken to complete non-emergency repairs

HSN5: Percentage of council dwellings that are energy efficient

Economic Development and Planning

ECON1: Percentage of unemployed people assisted into work from council operated / funded employability programmes

ECON2: Cost per planning application

ECON3: Average time per business and industry planning application (weeks)

ECON4: Percentage of procurement spent on local enterprises

ECON5: Number of business gateway start-ups per 10,000 population

ECON6: Investment in  Economic Development and Tourism per 1,000 population

ECON7: Proportion of people earning less than the living wage

ECON8: Proportion of properties receiving superfast broadband

ECON9: Town Vacancy Rates

ECON10: Immediately available employment land as a percentage of total land allocated for employment purposes in the local development plan

ECON11: Gross Value Added (GVA) per capita

ECON12a: Claimant count as a percentage of working age population

ECON12b: Claimant count as a percentage of 16-24 population

Financial Sustainability

FINSUS1: Total useable reserves as a % of council annual budgeted revenue

FINSUS2: Uncommitted General Fund Balance as a % of council annual budgeted net revenue

FINSUS3: Ratio of financing costs to net revenue stream - General Fund

FINSUS4: Ratio of financing costs to net revenue stream - Housing Revenue Account

FINSUS5: Actual outturn as a % of budgeted expenditure

Tackling Climate Change

CLIM1: CO2 emissions area wide per capita

CLIM2: CO2 emissions area wide: emissions within scope of Local Authority per capita

CLIM3: Emissions from transport per capita

CLIM4: Emissions from electricity per capita

CLIM5: Emissions from natural gas per capita