Environment Outcomes
People live in attractive, welcoming environments.
People take pride in and look after their environment.
How do corporate services affect these outcomes?
Corporate services directly and indirectly support the improvement of the local environment:
- Efficiencies within Corporate Services can release money for other services such as cleansing, parks, planning and enforcement officers.
- IT teams with Corporate Services support the development of apps and websites that enable better and more efficient reporting of fly tipping, litter and hazards in the local environment. This enables better deployment of resources to tackle issues that are reducing the attractiveness of the local area.
- Support recruitment of high quality staff in parks, planning, roads, community engagement and cleansing.
- Through well-designed procurement processes, corporate support enables the release of community benefits, such as improvements to local parks, and the delivery of high-quality public improvement projects, such as the re-design of a local road.
- Lead on compliance in health & safety, which improves the local environment.
Corporate services indicators and descriptions
- CORP 1: Support services as a % of total gross expenditure
- CORP 3b: Percentage of the highest paid 5% employees who are women
- CORP 3c: The gender pay gap (%)
- CORP 4: The cost per dwelling of collecting council tax
- CORP 6a: Sickness absence days per teacher
- CORP 6b: Sickness absence days per employee (non-teacher)
- CORP 7: Percentage of income due from council tax received by the end of the year
- CORP 8: Percentage of invoices sampled that were paid within 30 days
Environment Outcomes
People live in attractive, welcoming environments.
People take pride in and look after their environment.
How do culture and leisure services affect these outcomes?
Culture and leisure services play a key role in creating attractive, welcoming environments where people want to live and thrive. For example:
- Providing and maintaining parks and open spaces improve attractive local environments and improve local air & water quality
- Community engagement in the delivery of culture and leisure services helps to promote local pride and ownership in the local environment
- The role culture and leisure services play in attracting tourism means facilities often attract significant investment and development priority improving the attractiveness of the local environment
- Investing in green infrastructure that improves community health by reducing health risks from traffic, air pollution, noise, flooding and temperature extremes.
Culture and leisure indicators and descriptions
- C&L1: Cost per attendance at sports facilities
- C&L2: Cost per library visit
- C&L3: Cost of museums per visit
- C&L4: Cost of parks & open spaces per 1,000 population
- C&L5a: Percentage of adults satisfied with libraries
- C&L5b: Percentage of adults satisfied with parks and open spaces
- C&L5c: Percentage of adults satisfied with museums and galleries
- C&L5d: Percentage of adults satisfied with leisure facilities
Environment Outcomes
People live in attractive, welcoming environments.
People take pride in and look after their environment
How do environmental services affect these outcomes?
Clean and well-maintained communities foster a sense of pride among residents that make them more likely to look after their environment. Reducing the local and global environmental impact of our consumption and production and ensuring people are living in a clean, safe community has social, environmental and economic benefits for us all. Environmental services contribute to these outcomes by, for example:
- Implementing green transport strategies which promote greater active travel and use of new technologies e.g. new fuel efficiencies, hybrid and electric vehicles, communication technology which reduces the need to travel
- Ensuring a healthy and save living environment for residents, including street cleansing and waste services, food safety (licences); pollution; private water supplies; public health nuisances (noise; dirty houses/gardens; dog issues; fly tipping; litter; graffiti)
- Supporting local businesses to pursue circular economy opportunities (reduce, re-use and recycle) which helps to minimise waste, has positive social impact and reduces consumption and associated carbon impacts
- The sale and distribution of energy. The benefits of this include the potential to generate revenue as well as reduce energy poverty. Furthermore, it is an opportunity to protect council residents and businesses against significant energy price increases and provide a step change in carbon reduction initiatives
- Protect the rich environmental heritage of Scotland's landscapes and biodiversity by preventing waste in water bodies that affect all ecosystems existing in the water and preventing hazardous chemicals that get into soil which harm plants.
Environmental services indicators and descriptions
- ENV1a: Net cost of waste collection per premise
- ENV2a: Net cost of waste disposal per premise
- ENV3a: Net cost of street cleaning per 1,000 population
- ENV3c: Street Cleanliness Score
- ENV4a: Cost of maintenance per kilometre of roads
- ENV4b: Percentage of A Class roads that should be considered for maintenance treatment
- ENV4c: Percentage of B Class roads that should be considered for maintenance treatment
- ENV4d: Percentage of C Class roads that should be considered for maintenance treatment
- ENV4b: Percentage of U Class roads that should be considered for maintenance treatment
- ENV5a: Cost of Trading Standards, Money Advice & Citizen Advice per 1,000 population
- ENV5b: Cost of environmental health per 1,000 population
- ENV6: Percentage of total household waste arising that is recycled
- ENV7a: Percentage of adults satisfied with refuse collection
- ENV7b: Percentage of adults satisfied with street cleaning
Environment Outcomes
People live in attractive, welcoming environments.
People take pride in and look after their environment.
How do housing services affect these outcomes?
Well designed and accessible housing fosters pride in communities among its residents that are more likely to look after their environment. Housing services contribute to these outcomes by, for example:
- Investing in further improving the quality of housing stock, including initiatives to improve energy efficiency and to tackle fuel poverty
- Offering good quality housing and well-maintained neighbourhoods that foster pride and ownership in communities
- Ensuring opportunities for tenants/residents/community groups to influence decisions on development and improvements in local neighbourhoods
- Preserving open space, farmland and critical environmental areas.
Housing indicators and descriptions
- HSN1b: Gross rent arrears (all tenants) as at 31 March each year as a percentage of rent due for the reporting year
- HSN2: Percentage of rent due in the year that was lost due to voids
- HSN3: Percentage of council dwellings meeting Scottish Housing Standards
- HSN4b: Average number of days taken to complete non-emergency repairs
- HSN5: Percentage of council dwellings that are energy efficient
Environment Outcomes
People live in attractive, welcoming environments.
People take pride in and look after their environment.
How do economic development and planning services affect these outcomes?
Sustainable economic development and planning are key to reducing the local and global environmental impact of our consumption and production and ensuring people are living in a clean, safe community. Economic development and planning services contribute to these outcomes by, for example:
- Creating the necessary conditions and support for a local, circular, low carbon economy
- Supporting businesses to exploit low carbon business opportunities and to adapt to a changing climate
- Encouraging wider investment in and opportunities for low carbon and renewable heat technologies.
Economic development and planning indicators and descriptions
- ECON1: Percentage of unemployed people assisted into work from council operated / funded employability programmes
- ECON2: Cost per planning application
- ECON3: Average time per business and industry planning application (weeks)
- ECON4: Percentage of procurement spent on local small / medium enterprises
- ECON5: No of business gateway start-ups per 10,000 population