Argyll & Bute’s focus for their implementation of Safe & Together has been to train staff in the Core Programme and management modules. This commitment initially applies to Children and Families social workers and managers; however, the aim is to expand this training to other colleagues in areas such as health, education and third sector. Reviewing Officers are also undertaking the training, which is viewed as an important component of embedding this culture change. Additionally, a Children and Families social worker is currently undertaking the ‘Train the Trainer’ course.
Throughout the funding period, additional activities have also taken place, such as providing support to practitioners to embed learning into practice, attending network and learning events, and self-evaluation activities to monitor progress and support strategic planning.
Although in the early stages of training, a significant number of Children and Families social workers and managers have undertaken the Core training. It was highlighted that practitioners have increased their understanding of the impact of domestic abuse on children and families, and that they are more likely to recognise the intersections domestic abuse and other support needs such as substance use and mental health. Feedback from those that have completed the training indicate how useful they feel it is, and learning from the Core training appears to be transferrable. This can be seen as links are being made to other training staff undertake, such as Routine Enquiry, Awareness Raising, Commercial Sexual Exploitation, and Police Work and Domestic Abuse.
Longer term outcomes, such as policy integration and cross-system collaboration, have been delayed due to staffing issues and therefore Argyll & Bute are too early in their journey to reflect on this. However, it is recognised that this is needed soon and discussions are ongoing regarding system change and effective multi-agency collaboration to implement the necessary changes.
In addition to long-term funding, Argyll & Bute have identified that progress has been advanced by utilising available resources to support implementation and embed changes into practice, as well as encouraging joined up working across local partners, strategies and agendas. Argyll & Bute felt that the provision of other relevant training events alongside the Core training was important as it raised staff awareness and skill levels relating to domestic abuse and types of VAWG. This training includes Commercial Sexual Exploitation, Routine Enquiry, Harmful Traditional Practices, Impacts of Domestic Abuse on Women and Children, and Human Trafficking. As a result of this, it appears that staff are keen to increase their skills and knowledge, which is hoped to support a culture shift and enable the successful implementation of Safe & Together.
Whilst Argyll & Bute are committed to embedding Safe & Together in their local area, competing demands have placed limitations on engagement levels. Often staff capacity and time is limited, and a lack of resources can present further issues. It was also highlighted that limited knowledge and understanding of domestic abuse-informed principles in staff and leadership has been an issue, particularly within non-social work agencies. However, the model of offering additional training alongside the Core training has helped in overcoming this barrier.
To ensure the Safe & Together model is fully embedded in Argyll & Bute, it is understood that this will be a long-term commitment, particularly as the roll out is expected to take longer than initially anticipated due to the aforementioned barriers. As such, funding could be a barrier if this support may not be available long term.