Our wide range of products and services are available to all Scottish councils to help them manage their own performance and improvement, deliver digital services, enhance the learning and skills of officers and elected members, and ultimately improve outcomes for communities. Take a look below at what we offer.
Advice Insights Framework
A performance management framework designed to measure the performance and impact of council-funded money and welfare rights advice services.
Community Planning Outcomes Profile
A data and benchmarking tool to help community planning partnerships assess if the lives of people in their communities are improving.
Working with councils and other key partners to carry out and/or support evaluations covering a range of activities.
Local Government Benchmarking Framework
LGBF brings together a wide range of information about how all Scottish councils perform in delivering services to local communities.
Research Services
Our research team manages analytical projects, undertakes bespoke analysis, and conducts independent research projects in order to improve the local government evidence base.
Spatial Information Service
Leading the development of spatial information products and a collective approach to collective data management across Scottish local government.
Sub-Council Area Population Projections
Sub-council population projections provide a forecast of the future population size and structure for small areas within local authorities.
mygovscot myaccount
The simple and secure sign-in service for online public services in Scotland.
A simple and secure sign-in service for businesses in Scotland using online public services.
Enabling and creating a digital relationship between parents, pupils and schools.
Data Hub
An online data matching and cleansing solution for the Scottish public sector.
National Entitlement Card
A smartcard used to provide public services to Scottish residents.
Spatial Hub
A single point of access to quality-assured Scottish local authority data, in a consistent format.
Scotland's national public notice portal containing public notices from across Scotland in a single online location.
DCN.scot - the Scottish Dog Control Database
The Scottish Dog Control Database brings together the records of all 32 local authorities into a centralised online database that is accessible by local authorities and Police Scotland.
One Scotland Gazetteer
The definitive register of all addresses in Scotland.
Digital Planning
Working in partnership with Scottish Government to provide data support for the Digital Planning programme.
Enabling the secure transfer of data about early learning and childcare eligibility between the Scottish Government and local authorities.
Climate Change
Our climate change programme looks at how we embed climate change across all our work, and supports local government in its ambitions to reach Net Zero targets.
Economic Outcomes Programme
The programme works to help councils maximise the impact of their economic development activities.
Employability Partnership Manager
Supporting the Scottish and local government approach to transforming employability services in Scotland.
Fairer Scotland Duty
Support for implementation of the Fairer Scotand Duty to reduce inequalities of outcome related to socio-economic disadvantage.
Local Child Poverty Action Reports
The Local Child Poverty Co-ordination Group coordinates the effort and resources of national partners working to support the development and implementation of their Local Child Poverty Action Reports.
UNCRC Implementation Project: Putting children's rights at the heart of local government
Support for the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which will bring new duties to local authorities in Scotland.
Welfare Advice and Health Partnerships
Helping to embed welfare rights and money advisors within healthcare settings.
National Planning Improvement
Monitoring the performance of planning authorities and providing advice on how to improve performance.
Planning for Place Programme
Supporting councils and their partners to collaborate in place-based approaches to joint planning, resourcing and delivery of places that enable all communities to flourish.
Planning Skills
Addressing learning and development needs in planning services.
Shaping Places for Wellbeing
The Shaping Places for Wellbeing place-based approach is a delivery partnership between the Improvement Service and Public Health Scotland. The Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme ran from 2021-December 2024.
Adopting a Trauma-Informed Approach
Support for local authorities and stakeholders to raise awareness of the benefits of a trauma-informed approach across systems, services and the workforce.
Tackling Violence Against Women
Coordinating the National Violence Against Women Network to help councils and their partners to improve outcomes for women, children and young people affected by violence.
Change Management
The change team helps councils and their partners to deliver transformational and operational level change.
Community Planning Improvement Board
The Community Planning Improvement Board (CPIB) provides improvement support for community planning in Scotland.
Early Learning and Childcare
Providing business analysis and knowledge management support to Scottish Government and councils in the planning and implementation of the expansion to 1140 hours of funded early learning and childcare by August 2021, and in wider service refinement and improvement. This work will continue as we support councils in the sustainable delivery of this transformative expansion.
Improving Outcomes in Money Advice
Improving the impact of Scotland’s money advice services and supporting councils and their partners in this process.
Self-Assessment: Public Service Improvement Framework
The Public Service Improvement Framework (PSIF) is a self-assessment approach to support improvement in organisations.
Public Service Reform
The Public Service Reform team ensures that local authorities are supported to make the necessary changes required to deliver outcome-led, person-centred services that engender long-lasting reform.
Service Design
Service Design involves working collaboratively with citizens from the outset of a challenge, issue or opportunity to really understand what is going on and then continually working collaboratively to achieve innovative solutions.
Whole Family Wellbeing Funding – Learning into Action Network
The Whole Family Wellbeing Fund supports the transformation of how family support is delivered. The Learning into Action Network provides a space to share experiences and learning about reshaping whole family support.
Community Councils
The Scottish Community Councils project provides information, support and resources for Scotland’s 1,200 community councils and the 10,000+ volunteers who serve as community councillors.
Community Planning Partnership Board Guidance
A series of notebooks providing information, guidance and support to community planning partnership (CPP) board members.
Developing Leadership Skills
Welcome to our Leadership Resources Platform.
Elected Members Development
Support for the professional development of Scotland's councillors.
Organisational Development
Supporting capacity building to improve the performance and effectiveness of organisations.
Workforce Planning
Assisting councils and their partners in effective workforce planning.