The Improvement Service recognises the climate emergency and the importance of this agenda to our work and that of our partners.
Local government is key to delivering the ambitious Net Zero targets set by the Scottish Government and ensuring a 'green recovery' from COVID-19. As Scotland rebuilds, climate change must be at the heart of policy and action.
What are we doing?
We have developed Our Approach to Net Zero to shape and drive our work. We understand the challenge as cross cutting, with potential benefits for public health, tackling inequality and improving the environment. We are committed to embedding climate change within our own operations and the support we provide. All of our programmes can make a valuable contribution and we aim to work in partnership to deliver meaningful transformation.
We are meeting with local government professionals across Scotland to identify opportunities to develop knowledge and share insight. We want to hear from you to understand how we can provide practical and relevant support.
To discuss please contact Rami Zaatari.
How can we help you?
- We can support policy and project development, drawing on our unique position and expertise from working across Scotland.
- We can review strategies and business cases, offer specific guidance e.g. embedding place based approaches and make introductions to new contacts and networks. It is highly recommended stakeholders join the Sustainable Scotland Network which has regular monthly forums specifically for local authorities. We are also supporting the Scottish Cities Alliance to deliver their Transition to Net Zero Action Plan and Peer to Peer Network.
- There are many existing resources available to assist in embedding climate change and we can signpost those most relevant to your needs and priorities. The Improvement Service offers support on a range of subjects such as hosting webinars, training for elected members and managing change. Externally Adaptation Scotland provide information on how to prepare for the effects of climate change and the Local Government Association offers briefings and analysis.
- We can support you in the better use of data and research to provide meaningful insight and recommendations tailored to your area. We want to work with you to identify areas of analysis which will enable transformation and improvement.
- We can facilitate self-assessment activity across services and systems, tapping into the existing expertise in your organisation to identify opportunities for improvement and an action plan for implementation.
Decision making in local government: Place and the Triple Wins.In this short video Irene Beautyman and Miriam McKenna explain how the decisions made about the places we live, work and play can bring benefits for health and wellbeing, for the climate, and for reducing inequalities.
Report into Climate Change Training in Scottish Local Government
Findings of research carried out by IS, Scottish Government and Sustainable Scotland Network in early 2023 to explore the current landscape in Scotland of climate change training in local authorities.
Response to the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee Inquiry
Improvement Service response to the parliamentary inquiry into the role of local government and its cross-sectoral partners in financing and delivering a net-zero Scotland
Response to the Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan
Improvement Service response to the consultation on the Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan.
Climate Change Case Studies
A range of case studies showcasing how councils across Scotland are tackling climate change, collected by COSLA and IS as part of the legacy of COP26.