Elected Members Webinar Series

The Elected Members' webinar Series has been developed by the IS to provide elected members with further development opportunities. Webinars are held live and elected members are encouraged to join in and participate on the day. Webinars are also recorded, so elected members that couldn’t join in on the day, can access and view the content.

Upcoming webinars

Elected Members Webinar: Code of Conduct - Compliance with Quasi-judicial Matters

Thursday 30 January 2025,  10am -11:30am, MS Teams

Sign up here

The webinar will cover Section 7 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct and the rules with which councillors must comply when involved in any quasi-judicial or regulatory matters (such as planning and licensing applications). The webinar will help you to understand your responsibilities:

  • when you are a member of a committee tasked with making a decision and
  • when you are dealing with, or assisting, potential and actual applicants, objectors and members of the public

Past webinars

Recordings of all our elected member webinars, plus additional materials when available.

David Barr - Programme Manager, Governance