Step 1
Please discuss your intention to request coaching with a relevant officer from the council and check whether coaching and the potential costs are in line with relevant council policies and budget.
A relevant officer could be the lead for elected member development (Head of L&D, Head of Democratic/Member Services) or it may be a senior officer that you work closely with. If you are unsure who a relevant officer is, please contact and we’ll put you in touch with an appropriate officer in your council.
Step 2
Complete a Coaching Request Form and a member of the IS team will respond to acknowledge your request and check with the nominated officer that you have approval to access coaching.
Step 3
Upon receiving confirmation of approval to access coaching, we will send you three profiles of coaches to select from. Notify us of your choice of coach and we will inform that coach that you wish to work with them.
Step 4
Your coach will contact you to arrange a pre-coaching conversation to agree your goals and how you would like to work (including number and type of sessions). A coaching contract will be agreed.
Step 5
You will participate in coaching based on the coaching contract. The coach will inform the IS of the coaching contract and the IS will liaise with the nominated council officer for all payments after each session.
Step 6
Upon completion of the agreed contract, you will be invited to evaluate the coaching process.
Scotland's Councillors 2017-2022
A survey of councillors elected in 2017. It looks at the demographic profile of councillors and questions relating to their role, such as additional employment status, how councillor duties are managed and why they chose to stand for election.
#FollowMe2: a Social Media Guide for Elected Members
An introduction to what social media is and how councillors can use it for communication. This also contains brief guides to the most popular social media tools.