Fairer Scotland Duty

The Fairer Scotland Duty, Part 1 of the Equality Act 2010, came into force in April 2018. The duty places a legal responsibility on particular public bodies in Scotland to pay due regard to (actively consider) how they can reduce inequalities of outcome, caused by socio-economic disadvantage, when making strategic decisions. Bodies are required to publish a written assessment showing how they have done this.

National guidance is available at on the Scottish Government website.

The Improvement Service worked with the Scottish Government to support the implementation of the duty, to help public bodies to share practice through regional meetings, working to improve the guidance over time and manage the intersections between duties focused on socio-economic concerns, human rights and equality.  This role has come to an end but we still support a Knowledge Hub group which was established to share practice, encourage discussion and debate and provide useful information.

There are also a number of videos available on the IS YouTube channel of presentations and training on the Fairer Scotland Duty and associated topics such as Impact Assessment.

An Elected Member Briefing on the Fairer Scotland Duty is available.

If you would like any information on the Knowledge Hub resource or the work that took place please contact Miriam McKenna.


Socio-economic Disadvantage and Protected Characteristics: Sex and Gender - Women

This briefing forms part of a series looking at different protected characteristics. It aims to provide an introduction to the inequalities of outcome faced by people with protected characteristics through reporting the key facts and statistics and highlighting things to consider when implementing policy changes.

Policy Development and Impact Assessment Framework: Guidance for Policy Developers

This guidance aims to create a clear, consistent approach to the development, implementation and management of policy within councils and to ensure that policy developers are clear as to what must be taken into consideration when developing or reviewing a policy.  It  outlines a framework of the main legislative and corporate requirements that policy developers should adhere to when making strategic decisions, developing a new policy, or significantly changing any existing policy or function.

Miriam McKenna - Programme Manager, Inequality, Economy and Climate Change