The Whole Family Wellbeing Fund (WFWF) is a £500m investment over the course of this parliament (2022-2026) to support the transformation of how family support is delivered.
It will ensure that families can access seamless, holistic and non-stigmatising support that addresses their individual needs. It aims to reduce the need for crisis intervention in families and shift investment towards prevention and early intervention, with the ambition that, by 2030, at least 5% of all community-based health and social care spending will be on preventative whole family support measures.
The Scottish Government has set out its vision of holistic whole family and has identified the National Principles of Holistic Whole Family Support (‘the National Principles’) required to achieve it. These principles will be embedded into the planning, commissioning and delivery of services and integrated into Children’s Services Plans. Children’s Services Planning Partnerships (CSPPs) will work together to ensure that services are delivered and experienced in line with the princples.
Learning into Action Network
The Learning into Action Network (LiA Network) has been developed as part of the Element 2 WFWF offer. It provides a space to share experiences and learning about reshaping whole family support and to promote effective joined-up working across CSPPs in the shift to an early intervention and preventative approach.
The LiA Network Project Manager, based within the Improvement Service, provides tailored support for CSPPs in line with specific local needs and acts as a bridge between local and national government.
Support includes organising and facilitating regional and national events for stakeholders to share good practice and approaches, and explore the challenges, to implementing holistic whole family support. Events focus on issues identified by CSPPs to ensure that the shared learning is meaningful and effective. An LiA Network Development Group has been set up to work with the project manager to provide input and feedback on upcoming activities to ensure that the programme is responsive to emerging local and national needs.
The LiA Network group on Knowledge Hub provides learning materials, policy updates, briefings and other useful information and resources to support ongoing development as Element 2 progresses.
For more information about the LiA Network and upcoming events, contact Ariane Beaver, LiA Network Project Manager.
Upcoming events
Learning into Action Link & Learn Session: Leadership for Transformation
Thursday 14 December 2023, 10:00am – 11:30am, MS Teams
More information and the link to join the event are in our Knowledge Hub group.