One account, many uses. Connecting your business to Scottish public services online. is a service, provided by the Improvement Service, which will provide a simple and secure sign-in service, designed to help businesses prove who they are when transacting with public services online in Scotland. provides the tools to allow service providers to:
- Establish that the person creating an account is a real person
- Enable businesses and the public sector to transact safely and securely
- Verify that the business references in the account is a real business
- Establish that the person setting up the account is authorised to represent that business
- Remove administrative burden and cost when using or transacting with public services.
For public service providers, will provide:
- A secure and trusted service
- That is standards-based
- Easy-to-integrate with
- Free to use is designed to work nationwide - giving public sector organisations across Scotland a toolkit to enable businesses to authenticate and verify themselves online. You can search for participating public services in your local area and nationwide.
How does it work?
When you first register for a bisaccount, you will be asked to create a unique username and you will be provided with a one-time use password to sign in for the first time. When you sign in using these details for the first time, you'll then be able to create your own secure password for future access. You can then use this single set of sign in details to access a growing number of public sector services across Scotland.
In time, you will be able to use bisaccount to update your official business records, pay business rates and request permits so it's important that the organisations, whose service you access are able to confirm you are who you say you are.
When you sign up to use a new service on bisaccount, the data fields to be shared with the service provider are shown on screen before you sign up to the service. That way, you know exactly which details of your own data will be shared to access that service. This helps to ensure your account belongs to you and only you.
If you are a local authority and would like more information about using bisaccount, please contact:
Bisaccount Presentation
Presentation on bisaccount, connecting businesses to online public services simply and securely.
mygovscot myaccount
The simple and secure sign-in service for public services in Scotland.
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Data Hub
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