Data Hub

The secure way to match and cleanse data in the Scottish public sector.

Matching and cleansing data sets can be a complicated, time consuming and labour-intensive process but it has many benefits. Clean, consistent data can help an organisation improve its customers’ experience, deliver more personalised services and make better decisions based on sound intelligence.

Data Hub can analyse multiple data sources and produce analysis reports for partner organisations without the need for them to develop their own solution or install, maintain and pay for additional software.

Improving data quality with the Data Hub

What Data Hub offers

  • A secure and trusted service based on the mygovscot myaccount solution used across Scottish public services
  • A flexible solution to suit each organisation’s data needs
  • Easy-to-access, online service
  • Summary and analysis reports to display the data held for each customer/address
  • The option to create multiple output files to seed your IT systems with clean data

What can Data Hub be used for?

Data Hub can be used to:

  • Match customer and/or address details across all your data sets, displaying them in an easy-to-understand report
  • Provide a single view of the customer by comparing multiple data sets
  • Categorise data matches, helping you separate high quality data from poor quality
  • Highlight specific data issues across your data sets
  • Provide high quality data in a variety of output files that you can upload to your own IT systems
  • Seed records with a unique identifier (Unique Citizen Reference Number (UCRN) – only available to Scottish local authorities) or a Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN)

Read how the National Entitlement Card Migration Project used Data Hub to cleanse and validate records for 1.3 million card holders when their cards needed replacing - analysing 8.2 million records from 31 councils in the process.

Data Hub is free to use for Scottish local authorities and partner organisations. To find out more, contact Fiona Gray on

Digital Public Services Team