The National Planning Improvement Champion is responsible for monitoring the performance of planning authorities and providing advice to them (and others) on what steps might be taken to improve their performance.
The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 formalised how to measure and report on planning authorities’ performance and support planning authorities to improve. The role of a national improvement coordinator was included as part of that.
Working with all organisations involved in planning, the National Planning Improvement Champion aims to ensure that:
- the planning system enables the delivery of sustainable, liveable and productive places
- planning services are equipped to work effectively and efficiently, embedding continuous improvement
- users are able to engage constructively with the planning system and planning service
Key activities of the Champion include:
- establishing a performance management model and self-assessment process for planning authorities
- supporting planning authorities to identify areas for improvement and working with them to address these
- identifying strategic challenges facing the planning system and working with stakeholders to address them
- working with other to identify, share and support people and organisations to implement good practice
- publishing an annual report.
Craig McLaren
National Planning Improvement Champion
X/Twitter: @CraigMMcLaren
Susan Rintoul
National Planning Improvement Project Officer
Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme
The programme aims to improve Scotland’s wellbeing and reduce inequalities through changing our collective approaches to the places where we live, work and play.
Planning for Place Programme
The Planning for Place Programme supports councils and their partners to collaborate around place, seeking to encourage place-based approaches to joint planning, resourcing and delivery of places that enable all communities to flourish.