Given the deep-rooted and persistent inequalities within our communities, combined with the unprecedented financial changes facing public services, the role of community planning is more important than ever in providing a space in which public services, communities and the third sector can work together to enhance local decision making and improve outcomes.
The Verity House Agreement (VHA) provides a further welcome opportunity to think creatively about how to maximise the impact of community planning in working across boundaries, supporting local alignment and using collective resources more effectively to deliver shared priorities and improve outcomes for people and communities.
The Community Planning Improvement Board (CPIB) provides leadership and improvement support for community planning in Scotland, generating valuable evidence-based solutions to the significant challenges facing communities and local partnerships. CPIB membership includes the key statutory community planning partners and provides direct links with all 32 Community Planning Partnerships.
Our purpose is to bring together and share evidence of what works well in community planning to influence policy, practice and reform of public services at local and national levels, and to support Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs) to deliver their statutory duties effectively and to make better and more informed decisions that improve the lives of local communities across Scotland. We work with community planning partners to understand:
- the leadership, influence, services and approaches that are effective in improving outcomes and reducing inequalities for and with local communities
- the challenges for CPPs including those relating to leadership, joint planning and resourcing, community empowerment, effective and evidence based decision making, and governance and accountability arrangements
- what support, innovation and/or change is needed to make community planning work more effectively for and with local communities.
Phone: 07747 711310