CPIB Briefings

CPIB briefings cover a range of topics, examining the role and impact of community planning in addressing these issues.

If you have any queries relating to the briefings, please contact Emily Lynch.

Climate Change and Sustainability - Key Messages

The COVID-19 pandemic has been an unprecedented global crisis which has fundamentally changed every aspect of our lives. It has seen us all adapt to new ways of living, working and being. While there are many challenges there are also important opportunities in this time of change. In our recovery from COVID-19, we can rebuild our society and economy in a greener, fairer and more sustainable way.

Community planning partners are well placed to champion the transformative change that is necessary, playing a vital leadership role in driving the critical ambition and collaboration at a local level to integrate net zero and the green recovery into planning and investment decisions.

Tackling Inequalities - Key Messages

There is growing evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic and the public health measures taken to address the spread of the virus are widening existing inequalities and exacerbating poorer outcomes for the most disadvantaged groups.

The Community Planning Improvement Board (CPIB) recently brought together key community planning partners to gain a deeper shared understanding of the nature and extent of these widening inequalities, their impact on communities, and the role community planning can play in addressing these.

Community Planning: Progress and Potential

This evidence summary outlines the essential contribution Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs) have made during COVID, and explores how we can build upon the lessons learned during the period ahead to feed into local and national recovery plans. The briefing summarises:

  • How community planning in Scotland has progressed in recent years
  • How community planning has reached a new level in co-ordinating and supporting local responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • How community planning is ideally placed to perform a pivotal role in driving local recovery and renewal interventions in the coming years
  • What CPPs and their partners need to focus on to do this effectively.

Covid Recovery Strategy - the Role for Community Planning

The Covid Recovery Strategy For a Fairer Future sets out the national vision for recovery and the actions which will be taken to address systemic inequalities made worse by Covid, make progress towards a wellbeing economy, and accelerate inclusive person-centred public services.

Working across boundaries to support Covid recovery will be essential and Community Planning will be a major driver in enabling this to happen. The CPIB recently brought together key community planning partners to consider the priorities set out in the strategy and to identify those opportunities where community planning can play a defining role.

Emily Lynch - Programme Manager, Performance Management & Benchmarking