CPIB Work Programme
Take a look below to find out about the prior work programme of the Community Planning Improvement Board .
1. Data/Analysis/Profiles
Improve access to and understanding of the data available that can help CPP’s understand need and measure progress
LEAD: Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Activity | Lead Responsibility | Contribution |
1.1 Raise awareness of, and access to, data and support already available using the Community Planning Support Portal to signpost. | IS | NSS/HS/HIS/NRS/Audit and Inspection Bodies |
1.2 Explore opportunities to consolidate existing data resources/profiles across Scotland’s public services, e.g. all public sector data being available from the Scottish Government national data repository | HS | SG/IS/NSS/GCPH |
1.3 Identify gaps/limitations in data currently available to measure progress in outcomes at a local level | IS | NSS/GCPH/SG/SE |
1.4 Explore opportunities to broker changes to fill identified gaps (e.g. through development of existing and future national surveys) | SG | NSS/GCPH/IS/SE |
1.5 Open up data (a) by significantly increasing the local data available in open formats, and (b) develop a flexible tabulation tool that would enable the public to get aggregate disclosure controlled tables of person/business level data. | SG/NSS |
2. Sharing Actionable Intelligence
Support CPPs to improve their approach to sharing of real time data and intelligence a a local level
LEAD: Phil Couser, NSS NHS
Activity | Lead Responsibility | Contribution |
2.1 Scope actionable intelligence for locality management pilot and secure participation of up to 5 CPPs | NSS/IS | SG |
2.2 Deliver and evaluate actionable intelligence for locality management pilot and share lessons learned with other CPPs | NSS/IS | SG |
2.3 Identify potential barriers to sharing data and intelligence as part of the delivery of the pilot | NSS/IS | SG/Police/SFRS |
2.4 Discuss barriers with Information Commissioner and Caldicott Guardians and other key stakeholders to identify solutions | SG | NSS/IS |
3. Performance Management
Ensure performance management arrangements for Scotland's public services are fit for purpose and reflect the reform agenda
LEAD: Mark McAteer, SFRS
Activity | Lead Responsibility | Contribution |
3.1 Revisit and update where necessary work undertaken by the PSRB to review performance management arrangements across the Community Planning sector | IS | SG/NSS/HS/ Police Scotland/SFRS/ SE/SDS/Audit Scotland |
3.2 Contact Harry Burns to discuss how best OEPB can input to and inform his review of Health and Social Care performance management arrangements | OEPB Chair | IS |
3.3 Conduct interviews with up to six local authority and NHS chief executives to augment the OEPB’s performance management survey findings and establish the key issues CPP’s are grappling with which require a strengthened data and evidence base | IS | |
3.4 Report on key findings of review of performance management arrangements | IS | SG/ Police Scotland/SFRS |
3.5 Propose recommendations for national and local consideration arising from findings of review, e.g. including how OEPB can influence Scottish Government policy teams and the generation of new performance frameworks | OEPB Members | |
3.6 Implement the above recommendations |
Dependent on findings of review |
4. Community Planning Support and Capacity Building
Support CPPs to deliver their duties under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 by providing access to more targeted and coordinated support
Lead: Sarah Gadsden (Improvement Service)
Activity | Lead Responsibility | Contribution |
4.1 Continue to develop the Community Planning support portal to share details of all resources and support available to CPPs and health and social care partnerships, and to develop an approach to capture support requests from CPP’s | IS/HS | NSS/HIS/Audit & Inspection Bodies |
4.2 Expand the Community Planning support portal to showcase how CPP’s are working, approaches they are taking and progress they are making in tackling inequalities, e.g. through case studies and evidence collated under items 5.2 and 5.3 | IS/HS | SG/NSS/WWS |
4.3 Develop proportionate approach to monitoring usage and impact of the Community Planning support portal and the quality and impact of the support provided by partners via the portal | IS/HS | NSS/HIS/Audit & Inspection Bodies |
4.4 Identify areas where support is not currently available to CPPs and develop and resource collaborative locally tailored solutions (link to 3.3) | OEPB Members | |
4.5 Develop approach to analytical capacity building across the public sector and deliver support | SG/NSS |
5. Evidence and Evaluation
Undertake more targeted analysis of progress being made to tackle inequalities of outcomes across Scotland, to strengthen the narrative around what works and to influence national and local policy
LEAD: Gerry McLaughlin, Health Scotland
Activity | Lead Responsibility | Contribution |
5.1 Develop and disseminate a narrative of current patterns of outcomes across Scotland using a wide range of data, information and available evidence | IS/SG | |
5.2 Develop and disseminate a narrative of what works based on the research undertaken to date by WWS and use this to influence national and local policy | WWS | |
5.3 Synthesise and present the wider evidence base of what works in an interactive format through the Community Planning support portal | WWS | HS/SG/NSS/IS |
5.4 Establish a proportionate and robust approach to evaluation that could be used by CPP’s, and deliver support to help CPP’s make use of this | HS | |
5.5 Establish scope and coverage of Evaluability Assessment of the Community Empowerment Act and explore opportunities for OEPB to link with this work | SG | WWS/HS |
6. Raising the Profile and Influence of the OEPB's Work Programme
Increase awareness of the the work of the OEPB, influence national and local policy and raise the profile of local achievements and successes that tackle inequalities and improve outcomes.
LEAD: Steve Grimmond, SOLACE and Chair of OEPB
Activity | Lead Responsibility | Contribution |
6.1 Write to the Clerk of relevant Scottish Parliament Committees (e.g. Local Government and Regeneration Committee and Finance Committee) to outline the work of the OEPB and explore opportunities to contribute to their programme of work | OEPB Chair | |
6.2 Use leadership role to communicate and disseminate the work of the OEPB to facilitate the buy-in and support of peers from across public services | OEPB Members | |
6.3 Use OEPB meetings to regularly review, reflect upon and agree approaches to influence national developments and challenges which impact on the public sector | OEPB Chair | OEPB Members |
6.4 Ensure the work of the OEPB links with work of other strategic groups, e.g. Strategic Scrutiny Group | OEPB Chair | Audit Scotland |
6.5 Develop a communication plan that ties together the deliverables from the OEPB work programme and showcases effective local practice, targeting all key stakeholders, including national and local politicians | IS | SG/NSS/HS/ SFRS/Police Scotland/ WWS/ SDS/SE/Audit Scotland |
7. Measures of Success
Identify key measures to demonstrate the impact of the OEPB's work programme over the short, medium and long term
LEAD: All OEPB members
Activity | Lead Responsibility | Contribution |
7.1 Undertake analysis of Local Outcomes Improvement Plans to establish baseline of how CPP’s are meeting their duties within the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 and monitor progress through annual reports | IS/Audit Scotland | |
7.2 Monitor delivery and impact of the OEPB Work programme through regular workstream reports to the OEPB | OEPB Chair | Workstream Leads |
7.3 Undertake self-assessment to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the OEPB in relation to how board members work together to influence national and local policy, coordinate/target resources to make the most of the capacity and skills available within their organisations, address barriers within the system to transformation etc. | IS | OEPB Members |
Emily Lynch - Programme Manager, Performance Management & Benchmarking
Phone: 07747 711310