products - The Scottish Dog Control Database

One database, shared across Scotland. Scotland’s Dog Control Notice Database for local authorities and Police Scotland.

Out of control dogs can cause fear or even serious injury to Scottish citizens and their dogs. When dealing with an incident, local authorities and Police Scotland need to understand the background on the offending dog, such as Dog Control Notices in place, to make informed decisions and apply the correct restrictions.

The Scottish Dog Control Database, launched in February 2022, brings together the records of all 32 local authorities into a centralised online database that is accessible by local authorities and Police Scotland.

The database has been developed in response to demand from, and with the support of, from local authorities. It was also part of a commitment in the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government.

The launch of the national database follows the successful proof of concept the Improvement Service undertook in 2021.

For general information about, please contact:

Please note: If you are a member of the public and have a query about a dog control notice (DCN) please contact your local council directly.

Digital Public Services Team