Advanced Customer Journey Mapping

The Improvement Service Business Analysis Team was contacted by the Transformation Team at East Ayrshire Council. The Business Analysis Team provided an overview of the support on offer, such as benefits realisation and customer journey mapping training, the Change Framework, and information on predictive analytics.

Support given

It was agreed that the Business Analysis Team would deliver a full-day advanced customer journey mapping workshop for the Transformation Team. The workshop was an interactive session where the Transformation Team were given an overview of advanced customer journey mapping. This method combines the use of data to create customer personas and customer journey mapping to create a detailed picture of customers’ experience with a service. It also explores the ‘off-stage’ processes that take place within the service to deliver the customer journey. After exploring the theory and practical examples, the Transformation Team created its own maps using real examples in East Ayrshire.

Benefits and impact

The Transformation Team is planning on creating more advanced maps based on real data and examples in East Ayrshire. The Transformation Team intends to remain in contact with the Business Analysis Team throughout this work, taking advantage of the support offered. Here is some of the feedback from the advanced customer journey mapping workshop: “Useful to reflect and work through as a team.” “Good mix of explanation and information, clear understanding on how and where to start.”

Further information

The Business Analysis Team provides training free of charge for local government and their partners. If you’re interested in having us deliver any of our training sessions at your council, please get in touch with us via

Our current training offering includes:

Basic Customer Journey Mapping

This training encourages attendees to walk in customers’ shoes and makes use of our customer journey mapping templates. The templates allow the mapper to understand the emotions of the customer and identify areas in need of improvement. The content of this workshop is aimed at those who have limited change experience and are interested in discovering a new way of thinking which will help them to design services based on customers’ experiences.

Benefits Realisation Management

This training provides attendees with a framework via which to identify the key stakeholders involved in any project, map benefits to project outputs and strategic objectives, and assign appropriate performance measures. We also introduce our benefits tracker as part of this session. Expected audiences would be those involved in change projects, particularly those assigned to benefit identification.

Advanced Customer Journey Mapping

This training builds on our basic customer journey mapping session. We introduce personas and take you through how to map internal front and back office processes. We also delve further into data collection. Expected audiences would be those involved in change projects who are interested in designing services to suit customer needs.

We have also delivered workshops on data, particularly focusing on its importance when identifying how to improve customers’ experiences.

We’re also always happy to discuss other potential areas in which councils would find training useful, so let us know if you have any in mind.

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