In 2011, East Ayrshire recognised that the Council needed to transform the relationship it had with the communities it serves and we embarked upon a journey of change to work with local people to deliver sustainable services and respond together, to future challenges. The review process undertaken involved extensive stakeholder engagement, a review of best practice both nationally and internationally and an audit of council-wide resources. In particular, the review drew upon the findings of the Christie Commission, which published its report in 2011 and which recommended major reforms in public sector service delivery. The review resulted in staff being brought together from Community Learning and Development, Community Development and Community Support staff from other services including Planning and Economic Development, Democratic Services and Social Care to form a new Vibrant Communities service.
Key Activities
The service has three complementary elements which connect and complement one another: evidence based Early Intervention and Prevention Programmes; Sustainable Communities, with a focus on empowerment and the optimisation of community assets including people, facilities and space; and, Community Asset Transfer with a Lawyer and Surveyor now seconded to the team, Vibrant Communities leads on the Council’s Community Asset Transfer Programme which will contribute to the achievement of the Council’s target to reduce its estate by 25%.
Benefits and Impact
East Ayrshire now has a field force of over 100 staff based in communities and leading evidence based early intervention and prevention programmes. This approach has also resulted in planned recurring revenue savings of almost £700,000.
The principles of the new approach focus upon community development and working ‘with’ rather than ‘for’ communities, addressing inequalities in the most deprived communities, listening to our communities and valuing their knowledge, skills and experience and building resilience.
Further Information
To find out more about this case study, please contact:
Katy Kelly
Head of Housing and Communities
East Ayrshire Council
01563 576598