Catch up with the latest news from the Recovery and Delivery team at the Improvement Service.
Public Service Reform
In December 2024, The Public Service Reform team facilitated the inaugural Fairer Future Partnership Learning Event, the first in what is intended to be a rolling programme of events to support the collective efforts of the Fairer Future Partnership local authorities.
The focus of this first session was to establish a forum in which Scottish Government could outline how individual FFPs can as a collected programme to test approaches, each FFP could understand more about the specifics of the programmes in other local authorities, and to allow existing pathfinders to share experiences of embarking on their projects.
The second learning event will take place in Victoria Quay in early February. More information about this can be obtained from the PSR team.
The team are continuing to support the Glasgow Community Planning Partnership with the development of a streamlined Performance Management Framework and have recently concluded the second sprint, with a refined framework recently being presented to the critical friend group. The final sprint is scheduled to begin later this month. Work is also ongoing to support North Lanarkshire council develop a streamlined PMF for the family wellbeing partnership.
Community Planning
The Scottish Community Planning Network looks forward to a busy 2025. Alongside the regular quarterly national events, spotlight sessions will be launched this year as well as a SCPN planning group. This group is made up of network members who will support the planning of events and development of network resources going forward to strengthen the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) voice within these.
The spotlight sessions will be themed sessions on particular topics specific to Community Planning and allow more targeted presentations and discussions to be had. A focus of these spotlight sessions will be to hear from a range of different CPP's directly and use the knowledge shared to create useful resources for network members.
A number of case studies that seek to examine Community Planning practice and approaches across different CPPs are in development and will shortly be available on the IS website.
Early Learning and Childcare
Deep Dive workshops with 3 of the local authorities taking part in the two-year-old Improvement Project have taken place this month, workshops with 2 other local authorities are also scheduled to take place in the coming weeks . Work is also progressing well on the development of the Outcomes Measurement Framework ahead of the initial launch in April 2025.