Responsibilities Indicators of Effective Practice
Take part in the formal decision-making processes in the council
  • Attends and contributes at full council
  • Sits on relevant decision-making committees/bodies
  • Knows when and where to intervene to influence a decision
  • Works effectively with people within decision-making processes
Use evidence to support effective decision-making
  • Assesses what is known and what additional information is required to make a decision
  • Identifies where and how to access information that is required for a decision
  • Avoids being rushed into making a hasty decision
  • Considers all relevant factors, different options and viewpoints prior to making a decision
  • Identifies the best option based on the evidence that is provided and the knowledge of the situation
Make decisions for the benefit of the whole council area
  • Isn't afraid to make tough or unpopular choices where necessary
  • Skilfully navigates the tensions between doing what is best for the ward and what is best for the wider council area
  • Knows when to make decisions that will benefit citizens and local communities but which may not be popular with employees (e.g. re-configuring services)
  • Prioritises the delivery of some services over others and accepts that this may lead to criticism
Ensure robust decision-making processes are in place to conduct council business
  • Encourages open discussion amongst those involved in the decision-making process
  • Ensures that relevant individuals and groups are involved in the decision-making process, both from within and outwith the council
  • Seeks further information and challenges the views of others in a supportive manner
Accept responsibility and explain rationale for decisions
  • Stands by a decision and is accountable for its implementation
  • Justifies why one course of action was taken over others


  • What are your strengths in relation to decision-making?
  • What could you develop to improve your effectiveness?
  • What evidence do you have that supports your answers?

Now you have identified your strengths and development needs in relation to your decision-making role, think about your interpersonal skills. These are the skills which will underpin your ability to carry out the roles of an elected member effectively.

While the skills identified on the handout are not exhaustive, you may have identified your own, these interpersonal skills and their aligned indicators are there to help you consider whether you need to undertake development activities to enhance key interpersonal skills to be more effective in carrying out a role or responsibilities.

Download the assessment question document.