Call for Ideas

In October 2023 the National Planning Improvement Champion (NPIC) launched an open call for ideas asking stakeholders for their thoughts on what a high performing planning system should look like and what impacts it should aspire to attain. It was hoped that it would provide a snapshot of the challenges and opportunities facing the planning system in Scotland.

This paper summarises the findings of the engagement and explains how they have helped to develop a new National Planning Improvement Framework (NPIF) which is to be piloted by planning authorities in 2024/25. It does not cover every point made in the submissions and discussion but, rather, attempts to pull out the key discussion points, concerns and ideas.

Download Planning Ambition: Findings from the Call for Ideas on Planning Performance

Contact us

Craig McLaren, National Planning Improvement Champion

Craig McLaren

National Planning Improvement Champion
X/Twitter: @CraigMMcLaren

Susan Rintoul, Project Lead in Dalkeith

Susan Rintoul

National Planning Improvement Project Officer