The Spatial Information Service (SIS) represents local government’s interests in the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA). This replaced the previous One Scotland Mapping Agreement (OSMA) on 19 May 2020. It enables the whole of the Scottish public sector to access and use Ordnance Survey (and other organisations) geospatial data products for their own business purposes.
SIS ensures that the PSGA community has access to local government’s geospatial data and address information via the Spatial Hub and One Scotland Gazetteer.
The PSGA is funded by member organisations who contribute an agreed percentage. The current PSGA terms runs until 2030.
Up-to-date address information
PSGA members have access via either the One Scotland Gazetteer or Ordnance Survey’s Addressbase Product
Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics
Based on data from OS products. Used to support decision-making on public sector spending.
Major infrastructure
Transport Scotland relies on OS mapping for planning initiatives like the Queensferry Crossing.
Scotland’s environment management
Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Scottish Natural Heritage use OS products.
Supporting multi-million pound services
Local government uses OSMA products to support services like school transport and road maintenance.
Emergency services
Depend on OS products for all command and control operations, operational planning and crime pattern analysis.
OneScotland Gazetteer Custodians
Private group for address gazetteer custodians to share best practice and discuss relevant issues.
Spatial Hub Scotland
Group dedicated to discussions around spatial datasets owned by Scottish local government and published on the IS Spatial Hub.
Scottish GI Strategy: One Scotland One Geography
A forum to discuss implementation of the Scottish Geographical Information Strategy.
Scottish Public Information Notices Portal Community
A place for colleagues to access a range of information on public information notices and tellmescotland.