Getting Ready for UNCRC Framework
A practical step-by-step guide for local authorities in Scotland to prepare for UNCRC incorporation. A print-friendly version of the framework is also available.
Understanding Children's Human Rights: A Guide for the Public Sector in Scotland
This resource helps people working in public bodies such as local authorities and health boards to learn more about the UNCRC and how to take a children's rights-based approach to their work.
Understanding the UNCRC: A Guide for Elected Members
This resource is aimed at elected members in Scotland who are interested in learning more about children’s rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Here you can find more information about what the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is, and what is says. You can also learn more about what is happening in Scotland to protect children’s rights and what responsibilities local authorities have in relation to these. In addition, you can listen to children and young people speak about why their rights are important to them.
Children’s Rights and Placemaking in Scotland: How do children’s rights ‘fall into Place’?
This paper takes a children’s rights approach to place and placemaking and considers how children’s rights can be realised through placed-based approaches. It pulls together a range of key policy areas which are important to placemaking and identifies how place makers can actively consider children’s rights in their work and approach to work.
Understanding Child Poverty as a Children’s Rights Issue
This paper explores the relationship between local action to reduce child poverty and duties under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, drawing out links and understanding across them.
Introduction to Children and Young People's Rights for Elected Members
The Introduction to Children and Young People's Rights webinar provided an opportunity for elected members to explore the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and to think about the important role of local government in supporting children and young people to realise their rights.
Children's Rights and Homelessness in Scotland
Housing is a fundamental human right, and local authorities, as the frontline
defenders of children’s rights, play a pivotal role in addressing housing
challenges. This briefing provides an overview of homelessness in Scotland, examines its
impact on children’s human rights, and offers guidance on adopting a children’s
rights-based approach to tackling homelessness.
Improving outcomes for people and communities affected by poverty, inequality, trauma and adversity: Joining the dots across key policy agendas (briefing)
There are a number of key policy agendas that are part of a broader ambition to improve outcomes for people and communities across Scotland affected by poverty, inequality, trauma and adversity. This briefing highlights the links across these and explores opportunities for re-framing these multiple policy ambitions as opportunities to work together around the common goal of improving outcomes for people and communities.
Improving outcomes for people and communities affected by poverty, inequality, trauma and adversity: joining the dots across key policy agendas (infographic)
This infographic provides an overview of a small number of key national policy agendas, approaches and commitments, all designed to support a cross-policy, person-centred approach to improving outcomes for people and communities across Scotland affected by poverty, inequality, trauma and adversity.