
Interim evaluation of the WAHP ‘Test and learn’ Programme, August 2024

The evaluation found that :

  • 89% of individuals accessing advice in their GP surgery had not previously sought advice
  • Over 16,000 individuals used the service and made financial gains of £23 million
  • 23% of the total financial gain was as a result of awards of Adult Disability Payment
  • 38% sought advice because they were unable to work for health reasons
  • 22% needed help with council tax debt ϐ Over 50% of individuals had a household income of less than £20,000 and 27% had a household income of less than £10,000
  • 98 % of staff in participating GP Practices thought that the approach offered multiple benefits to both staff and patients
  • 75% sought advice in their GP Practice because it was suggested by practice staff
  • Individuals reported improved mental health wellbeing and reduced stress as a result of getting advice in their GP Practice
  • Almost 50% of individuals had a disability or long term health condition

Advice providers, GPs and individuals all viewed the provision of welfare rights advice in GP surgeries positively.

Findings from a survey of GP Practices participating in the Welfare Advice and Health Partnership ‘Test and Learn’ Programme, February 2024

This paper highlights the benefits of the approach from the perspective of participating GP

Social Return on Investment Analysis on the Co-location of Advice Workers with Consensual Access to Medical Records

A Social Return on Investment analysis carried out by the Improvement Service, in partnership with NHS Lothian, Dundee City Council and Granton Information Centre, found that every £1 invested in the co-location of advice workers in medical practices would generate around £39 in social and economic benefits.

The benefits listed below – among others - were identified, measured and valued by talking directly to the people most affected:

  • Service users said that they experienced improved health and wellbeing, felt less stigmatised, and had better and earlier access to services
  • Medical practice staff are able to make better use of their time and to focus on medical interventions
  • Medical practices are able to deliver more cost-effective services
  • Advisors state that they have improved productivity and the number of appeals and on-going work is reduced
  • Funders were able to target resources at priority groups.

Briefing Paper: Specialist Link Workers (Welfare Rights Advice) in General Practice and Primary Care Improvement Plans

This briefing on specialist link workers (SLW) has been prepared by the Scottish Public Health Network, NHS Health Scotland and the Improvement Service. It has been produced for Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs), GPs, NHS Boards and other key stakeholders involved in developing Primary Care Improvement Plans.

Primary Care Improvement Plans offer HSCPs the opportunity to provide SLW in general practice who can focus on meeting the social welfare and financial needs of patients and, when necessary, connect patients to sources of support in their community. This is a quality assured and regulated service developed over the last 25 years which is currently in place in approximately 50 general practices in Scotland.

Welfare Advice and Health Partnerships Bulletin: October 2019

Information about Welfare Advice and Health Partnerships and the latest developments in their adoption across Scotland.

Money Worries – In Sickness and in Health

A guide for health care professionals dealing with patient money worries.

Welfare Advice and Mental Health

This paper explains the role of Welfare Advice and Health Partnerships (WAHP) in improving mental health and well-being, tackling health inequalities and improving clinical care.

Welfare Advice and Health Partnerships in Scotland – General Practice

This briefing paper covers the context, development, delivery, effectiveness and impact of WAHPs. It also illustrates the referral pathway used in WAHPs and how it benefits both service users and providers.

Roddy Samson - Welfare Advice Service Faciliator