Evaluation reports

Here are some examples of the types of evaluation we have delivered.

Recent reports

In May 2024, we found that the Place Based Investment Programme (PBIP) continued to bring benefits to councils and local communities.  Read more about this at PBIP brings economic benefits to local communities.

Process and/or outcomes evaluation

  • On the effectiveness of the Welfare Advice and Health Partnerships programme and the potential for rolling out the approach nationally (process) and the impact on key stakeholders including service users (outcomes).

Social return on investment analysis

  • co-location of advice workers in medical practices – in partnership with NHS Lothian, Dundee City Council and Granton Information Centre
  • welfare rights and employability advice alongside family support in schools – in partnership with City of Edinburgh Council, NHS Lothian, Edinburgh HSCP, Capital City Partnership and Community Health Initiative

General evaluation support and guidance

  • Audit, review and report – such as gathering information from all 32 local authorities on the impact of the pandemic on local authority funded money and welfare rights advice services
  • Stakeholder mapping and engagement – such as working with Angus Council to identify and engage with key stakeholders in their review of community councils
  • Logic models and theory of change - such as delivering tailored support and engagement sessions to develop a logic model for service planning in North Lanarkshire Council
  • Independent evaluation for partners – such as working with Public Health Scotland to identify the barriers and enablers to delivering a community pharmacy project involving routine enquiry
  • Acting as a critical friend and participating in reference groups