Regional Economies

The experiences of Scotland’s local authorities in relation to regional economic working have been set out in a new report.

All 32 councils actively engaged in the work, which included one-to-one interviews with senior officers and politicians, a series of workshops held around the country, sessions with SOLACE members and COSLA’s Environment and Economy Board, and interviews with external stakeholders.

The report highlights councils’ long history of engaging in cross-boundary working and emphasises the key role that local authorities play in supporting Scotland’s economy. The feedback from councils confirmed that, whilst there was no appetite for structural change, there was a desire to explore how the positive impact of regional working could be maximised, including in relation to securing sustainable inclusive growth benefits.

The report concludes that councils now have an opportunity to lead and influence the next stages of regional economy working.

The work was undertaken by Ekos consultants and overseen by a Steering Group comprising the Improvement Service, COSLA, SOLACE and SLAED. The Steering Group will now consider further work to take forward the various actions set out in the report.

City Region and Growth Deals Briefing Note

This briefing note sets out details of the City Region and Growth Deals that are currently in place across Scotland. It also includes information on local authorities involved in the Scottish Government's Community Wealth Building pilot work, and those that have been successful in bidding for funding through the UK Government's Levelling-up Fund.

Download the City Region and Growth Deals Briefing Note.

Hannah Brown - Project Manager, Economic Outcomes Programme