Place and Wellbeing Outcomes

The Place and Wellbeing Outcomes provide a consistent and comprehensive focus for where place impacts on the wellbeing of people and planet.

They are also key features for delivering Scotland’s local living and 20-minute neighbourhood ambition. Their development has been supported by the organisations that sit on the Place and Wellbeing Collaborative.

More background information and context to the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes can be found in this briefing paper.

Place and Wellbeing Outcome Indicators

As well as the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes, the Place and Wellbeing Collaborative, along with support from advisory workshops, expertise from topic experts and user consultation, have drafted a core set of indicators that can be measured and reviewed over time to assess the contribution to the delivery of the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes locally. You can find the core set of indicators in this spreadsheet.

This spreadsheet seeks to provide a core set of indicators that can be measured and reviewed over time to assess the contribution to the delivery of the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes locally. Information is provided about a range of data and the indicators linked to them. Bringing together the data sources into one place should enable those working towards the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes to use reliable and useful sources of data that can help to inform local evidence gathering.

Work continues to develop and expand these indicators as we learn how they are being applied.

Want to find out more? Get in touch

If you are looking to take a place-based approach, or if you want to know more about the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes, please get in touch at, or follow us on X @PlaceNetworkSco to keep up to date with all of our latest news.