Snack time chats are a collection of short podcast style topical recording sessions. Listen below.
The role of the Improvement Service in the expansion to 1140 hours
During this first ‘Snack Time Chat,’ Adam Hall – Team Leader for the Early Learning and Childcare Expansion programme at Improvement Service – talks about the role of the Improvement Service throughout the transformative expansion. He discusses how the team evolved and how the programme continues to work with stakeholders from local and Scottish government to realise the benefits of the expansion and support the ongoing sustainability of the sector.
Professional Learning Calendar (East Dunbartonshire Council)
During this discussion, Leona Stewart – a Quality Improvement Officer within the central early years team at East Dunbartonshire Council – talks about the development, implementation and success of a professional learning calendar. The calendar was developed to ensure quality was at the heart of early years provision within all settings – local authority, PVI and funded childminders, during the expansion to 1140 hours.
Outdoor Play (East Dunbartonshire Council)
It is undeniable that daily, high quality outdoor play experiences have a direct and positive impact on children’s development. During this discussion, Kirsty Mahindru – a Quality Improvement Officer within the central early years team at East Dunbartonshire Council – talks about her own outdoor learning journey and shares experiences and methods that can easily be adapted in other ELCC’s.
Fathers Network Scotland
Research shows that fathers who undertake a significant amount of hands-on caring, bond more quickly with their babies and are likely to enjoy fatherhood more. Fathers' positive involvement is key to many aspects of children’s educational, social, and emotional development. Fathers Network Scotland talk about this, and why dads matter in early years.
Partnership Childminders in West Lothian

Childminders play a crucial role in the delivery of 1140 hours of funded ELC to families across Scotland. In this snack time chat we hear from four partnership childminders based in West Lothian and from Sam McCulloch, ELC Partnership Manager at West Lothian Council, and Sonia Watson, CDO, Scottish Childminder Association, to talk about the West Lothian Council Childminder Partnership programme.
LGBT+ Education in Early Years

Listen as David Dick, Peripatetic Nursery Teacher , reflects on the award winning LGBT+ Education in Early Years project, and shares how other settings can implement this too.
Early Learning and Childcare Newsletter
Stay informed about the activities and resources of the IS Early Learning and Childcare Team. Our newsletters share insights on workforce planning, explore strategies to increase eligible two-year-old uptake, examine trend data, and highlight and share useful resources and guidance.
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