If you have any good practice stories that your services are doing, we would love to hear from you. Please email emma.gartshore@improvementservice.org.uk
A career in childminding is calling: Growing Partnership Childminders in Moray
In 2019, a dedicated Childminder Development Officer role was established within the Early Years Team at Moray Council. The post has been fully funded by the local authority since its inception, ensuring the council’s core values and inclusive approach are upheld, while also recognising childminders as integral delivery partners.
The wonder of outdoors – Ravenscraig Outdoor Nursery, Fife
Outdoor learning and childcare provision has been available in Fife since 2008, when the first fully outdoor nursery was registered. Dysart Outdoor Nursery is based within Ravenscraig Park, Kirkcaldy. The outdoor service was made possible following the asset transfer of the disused Ravenscraig bowling pavilion from Parks and Recreation Service to Education in 2021; enabling children from an urban environment to experience a fully door setting that many would have anticipated would only be possible in more rural areas.
Collaborative approach to delivering funded ELC in West Lothian
Following a period of steady partnership growth and in response to a significant local challenge, education officials at West Lothian Council agreed it would be beneficial to refresh their shared vision and values with the intention of achieving a collective understanding for partnership working, including the roles and responsibilities of the local authority and partners.
Integrating effective support for children with additional support needs into the expansion of funded early learning and childcare
This case study aims to highlight examples of good practice embedded in Hillend Children’s Centre that ensure children with Additional Support Needs (ASN) and Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD) can access provision of funded early learning and childcare.
Supporting and enabling equitable early learning and childcare provision for children with profound and multiple learning disabilities
Delivering a child led, planning in the moment and inclusive early learning and childcare experience at Crossbasket Nursery (South Lanarkshire)
Crossbasket Nursery demonstrates adaptive approaches that enhance the learning environment and positive experiences for all children. Child led play, planning in the moment and outdoor learning are encouraged to develop individual children’s interests.
LGBT+ Inclusive Education in Early Years
The innovation award-winning LGBT+ Inclusive Education in Early Years project was designed to improve the life experiences of LGBT+ adults, children and families in Scotland, it has now been rolled out across South Lanarkshire and aims to ensure that Scotland really is the best place for all children to grow up.
Summer of fun at Sauchie ELC (Clackmannanshire)
In March 2021, the Scottish Government announced an enhanced summer offer for all children. The national “Summer of Play” focused on the wellbeing of children and young people during the 2021 summer holidays.
Virtual tours and introductions to settings (East Dunbartonshire)
Colquhoun Park Early Years Centre developed a blog for parents and children that offered support during the transition from home to nursery, or through periods of isolation for children due to COVID-19.
Early years professional learning calendar (East Dunbartonshire)
To ensure quality was at the heart of early years provision within East Dunbartonshire during the expansion towards 1140 hours, the council provided a coherent and concise training calendar for all settings, including local authority, funded providers and funded childminders.
Strathisla Children's Centre: our first year (Moray)
Flexible Childcare Services Scotland worked with Moray Council to open Strathisla Children's Centre to meet an increase in demand and support the delivery of 1140 hours of early learning and childcare.
Outdoor learning and shelters (East Dunbartonshire)
As part of centre improvements for ELC expansion, support was offered to teams to encourage better use of outdoor spaces. A project – Outside In – was developed to solve any concerns or issues arising around the environment and staffing.
Delivering 1140 hours (Shetland Islands)
All early learning and childcare settings in Shetland have been delivering 1140 provision since August 2020. Flexibility and choice is at the heart of this policy and parents and carers can choose their preferred provider and set a weekly pattern to suit their needs.
Learn to work in early years (Perth and Kinross)
To support the expansion of early years and childcare, Perth and Kinross Council developed the ‘learn to work in early years’ programme. This was an opportunity for existing staff to pursue a different career by re-training in early years.
Early years career pathway (Perth and Kinross)
There is no set pathway into a career in Early Learning and Childcare and there are many ways to gain the experience and qualifications needed to get started in a career in ELC. The journey is often unique for each ELC colleague.
1140 workforce planning (Stirling Council)
Positive ethos, a well-established team and good relationships with learning communities and partner services were crucial when Stirling Council’s ELC management team began planning for the 1140 expansion in 2017.
School pupil ELC workforce pilot (West Lothian Council)
With the introduction of 1140 hours, West Lothian Council launched the School Pupil ELC workforce pilot. The pilot gave senior school aged pupils the opportunity to work in early years.
Eligible Twos in Clackmannanshire
In January 2020, a new purpose-built early learning and childcare (ELC) setting opened in Clackmannanshire. Sharing a site with a local primary school, the ELC is able to provide space for 107 children - 89 children aged from 3–5-years-old and 18 two-year-olds - and replaced the previous nursery class.
Early Learning and Childcare Newsletter
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