The Public Service Reform team holds the Secretariat for the Scottish Community Planning Network. This network brings together Community Planning stakeholders from across the country to collate their experience and provide advice and guidance to leaders and policy makers on collaborative working in community planning. The Network provides the opportunity for mutual support and capacity building, information exchange and building personal networks.
We support the use of the Scottish Community Planning Network as a forum to develop and embed a shared vision for partnership working - identifying the current barriers and exploring ways to strengthen relationships so that more collaborative working across partners can be put into practice.
We are also responsible for collating and analysing the Local Outcome Improvement Plans and Locality Plans published by CPPs to find exemplary practice that can be highlighted and shared. We also undertake horizon scanning to ensure that Community Planning Managers are abreast of all future policy that may impact on their work.
If you have any queries about community planning, please do not hesitate to get in touch at