About Workforce Planning

Workforce Planning is the activity used to identify and address the staffing implications of business strategies and plans, helping analyse and plan for the workforce development and changes required. It is ongoing and dynamic, aligned to strategic planning and used to inform decision making, risk assessment and resource allocation.

Driven by future organisation needs

This is the starting point for all workforce planning - what people resources are needed in order to deliver the required organisation and services in the future? This can range from a whole scale reorganisation, changes to an area of service delivery, a change in staff numbers and skills mix, to succession planning for those retiring.

Integral to strategic planning

Workforce planning is part of how an organisation operates, flowing from organisational strategy and linking people and workforce strategies. It is a core people management activity and provides the context for most other activities around recruiting, developing and deploying people. It gives managers the opportunity to stand back and consider how future staffing requirements can be delivered.

Informed by data and evidence based

Key to workforce planning is underpinning plans with workforce information. This can be broad workforce information and monitoring such as staff numbers by post or grouping, age ranges, fixed term and permanent. Alternatively, it could be specific information, for example, for a workforce change project. Research can provide local or national trends for example recruitment information for hard to fill posts.

Some key questions to ask

Amanda Spark - Programme Manager, Organisational Development
Audrey Clark - HR Adviser, Early Learning and Childcare