Whole System Approaches to Tackling Child Poverty

Child Poverty, Employability and Early Learning and Childcare – Collaborative Network Event

In November 2022, the Improvement Service – in partnership with SLAED People Group, Scottish Government and One Parent Families Scotland – delivered a Child Poverty, Employability and Early Learning and Childcare network event.

The event focused on how local and national services can continue to work together to deliver a whole-system approach to tackling poverty. Policy leads from Scottish Government provided an update on national policies and funding relevant to tackling child poverty and delivering a whole-systems, holistic approach.

As well as hearing from those with lived experience of poverty, participants were also given an opportunity to share their experiences, discuss examples of good practice and highlight the barriers to whole systems they are experiencing locally.

Read the summary and outputs from the November 2022 event

Tackling Child Poverty with Collaborative Services

Building on the success and positive response of the first network event in November 2022, the Improvement Service hosted a second collaborative network event in February 2023.

The event provided an opportunity for those leading on child poverty, employability, and early learning and childcare to come together and join in on practical discussions about what is being implemented across Scotland, how this is benefitting citizens and what steps local authorities and their partners would need to take to implement similar approaches.

During this session, there were presentations from:

  • Christian Barry and Evelyn Cairns (School Aged Childcare Policy team/SACC Early Adopter Communities)
  • Gena Howe (learning from pathfinders)
  • Susie Donkin and DWP (resources to facilitate collaborative, holistic support)

Read the summary and outputs from the February 2023 event.

Emma Gartshore - Engagement Manager, Recovery and Delivery Programme