Links to Improvement Service Programmes

The focus of the Recovery and Delivery Programme is on projects that specifically work towards integrated systems of support. However, we work collaboratively alongside other programmes in Improvement Service to collectively drive forward joint delivery of action across disciplines and sectors.

National Coordinator for Local Child Poverty Action Reports and the Child Poverty and UNCRC Project Officer.

The Improvement Service hosts the National Coordinator for Local Child Poverty Action Reports and the Child Poverty and UNCRC Project Officer. The National Coordinator and Project Officer work with local authorities and health boards to support the development of LCPARs by acting as child poverty champions, sharing and promoting good practice, and working to ensure local reports are an effective lever for tackling child poverty in Scotland.

Change Management Programme

Many of the tools and techniques we bring to bear in our projects are shared and informed by the Change Management Programme which is long established and helps councils and their partners to deliver transformational and operational level change.