Introduction to Mind Mapping

Like rich pictures, mind maps are useful for giving a broad overview of a situation in a simple, structured, visual form which shows relationships and connections. Mind maps document all the issues uncovered in a situation with the business problem/system at the centre of the map and every related item linked to the branches radiating from the centre.

In more detail

What is mind mapping?
A mind map is a method used to visually represent and organise information. This information is typically connected to a single concept, which may be an idea or other objective for the work being undertaken.

Who is involved in the creation of a mind map?
A mind map requires nothing other than a pen and paper (although it is possible to use software to create your mind map online). Due to its personal nature, it is possible to create this individually for the needs of that person for that particular piece of work.

Why use this technique?
It is well recognised that some people respond better to visual information as opposed to typical text-heavy documents. A mind map offers such an alternative as it allows you to generate, visualise, structure and classify ideas. This can be particularly useful in instances where you are required to gain an understanding of the intricacies of a business system. The mind map should always be used to supplement more formal pieces of documentation.

How do you create and use a mind map?
The following steps for the creation of a mind-map as defined by Tony Buzan, who is credited with popularising the idea of mind maps:

  • Work from the centre outwards. Try to depict the key concept at the centre, either as an image (if possible) or text. Colours help!
  • Use images, symbols, codes, and dimensions throughout your mind map.
  • Add guidance where possible. Where key words or phrases are required, make sure to add them in.
  • Don’t over complicate. Give room to each word or image and allow it to be seen and read wherever you can.
  • The lines should be connected, starting from the central image. The lines should become thinner as they radiate out from the centre.
  • Colours not only help you to use both sides of the brain, but they should also be used consistently – group similar themes together with the same colours.
  • Find out what works well for you; personalise your map to suit your style of thinking. Whether done on paper or computer, if it helps you, use it!
  • Place emphasis using colours and images and show associations in your mind map.

What happens next?
While mind maps are personal to the creator, it is likely that by sharing across the organisation, it can add value to many. While your mind map is highly personalised, sharing across the organisation may help spread both the skills and the knowledge of the service across the teams.