Supporting place-based work across Scotland

The Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme has been supporting place-based work in seven Project Towns since 2021.

As well as working closely within these Project Towns, we’ve been continually sharing information about our approach to place based work, including:

Enabling others to use this place-based approach outwith the Project Towns is a crucial element of a successful Programme. We have already provided support to other local authorities and partner organisations across Scotland, including:

Shetland Islands Community Planning

We supported a Place and Wellbeing Assessment looking at three public sector projects in progress within Brae and the wider North Mainland area to enable these transformational projects are integrated with each other and with the needs of the communities they impact.

Ayrshire United Football Academy

We were also invited to work with Ayrshire United Football Academy in March 2024. The Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme approach was drawn upon and the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes were used to help inform the development of activity for a youth and workforce development programme, and a Community Healthcare Hub.

The Academy found working with the Shaping Places for Wellbeing team a highly productive experience. From the very early stages in planning the workshop, the team quickly grasped the synergy between AUFA’s strategic goals and the Place & Wellbeing Outcomes. This helped to drive maximum value from the event. The process was carefully designed by Susan Beattie (Project Lead) and Alex Wilde (Project Lead) to give a clear structure, but with room for flexibility on the day.

The engagement workshop had a wide range of external partnership participants. Through effective facilitation, a high level of energy and engagement was achieved, all delivered to time. The end product fully met the brief of a five year ‘to do’ list for the community dimension of the Academy’s Business Plan.

Want to find out more? Get in touch with us

If you are looking at place-based approaches, or if the Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme sounds like something you would like to know more about, please contact Irene Beautyman, Place and Wellbeing Partnership Lead, below or follow us on X (Twitter) @place4wellbeing to keep up to date with all of our latest news

Irene Beautyman

Irene Beautyman - Place and Wellbeing Partnership Lead

Phone: 07908 930763
