What is it?
A method of qualitative research which involves collecting in-depth and detailed information about a subject. It often involves interpreting the subjective experiences, perspectives, and attitudes of individuals or groups.
Why use this technique?
Interviews can help reach a number of desired objectives through making contact with stakeholders, building rapport, gaining buy-in, acquiring information and discovering different stakeholder perspectives.
What does this technique look like?
Interviews may look different depending on the service design project you are working on and at the IS we are always happy to support you prepare for interviews. For tailored or critical friend support please contact laura.santi@improvementservice.org.uk
Who is involved?
Interviews should be conducted with a diverse range of stakeholders. Officers should avoid grouping people into stereotypical demographics, as by doing this, we exclude people or communities that have differing needs or wants.
Skills required?
- Communication – this includes written and verbal communication
- Interpersonal skills – as an interviewer we must be able to build rapport with interviewees.
- Humility and Empathy – as interviewers we must examine our own identity, values, biases, assumptions, relationships to power and privilege and worldviews. Acknowledge how all of these may play into how we engage with stakeholders.
- Time management – Officers must ensure appropriate timescales are given to conducting interviews and analysing the information.
The Scottish Approach to Service Design
The vision for the Scottish Approach to Service Design is that the people of Scotland are supported and empowered to actively participate in the definition, design and delivery of their public services (from policy making to live service improvement).
The Double Diamond (Design Council)
The Double Diamond is a visual representation of the design and innovation process. It’s a simple way to describe the steps taken in any design and innovation project, irrespective of methods and tools used.