The guidance on asset transfers has the potential to further enhance community participation. Engaging with communities through this process provides a mechanism through which to fully utilise public assets to improve local outcomes and seek to reduce inequality in areas of disadvantage. Relevant public bodies should now consider the following:
- There is a now an incentive for public bodies to be innovative and radical in their approach to community ownership.
- Asset planning should now consider community ownership and adjust estimations for capital receipts accordingly.
- How asset planning activity will be coordinated to ensure the community are fully involved and have an opportunity to participate.
- Coordinate asset planning across the CPP (where the relevant public bodies are part of the CPP).
Community Empowerment Act: summary of short and medium term expectations of CPPs
This briefing note summarises the Improvement Service’s understanding of the key expectations and requirements of community planning partnerships arising from the Community Empowerment Act (2015) and associated statutory guidance.
Local Outcomes Improvement Plans stock-take: emerging findings
A summary of the emerging themes from a recent stock-take of all available Local Outcomes Improvement Plans (LOIPs).
Performance Management: Good Practice Principles
Good practice principles for performance management at CPP and community planning partner level, developed by the Community planning Improvement Board