The support we offer to Community Planning Partnerships with online collaboration includes:
Knowledge Hub
Knowledge Hub is the UK’s largest public service collaboration platform. It’s the place where people working across public services go to exchange knowledge, experiences and ideas on how to improve services, and create connections with peers and experts in a secure environment. The Improvement Service can support CPPs and other partnerships to create Knowledge Hub groups.
Community Empowerment Act: summary of short and medium term expectations of CPPs
This briefing note summarises the Improvement Service’s understanding of the key expectations and requirements of community planning partnerships arising from the Community Empowerment Act (2015) and associated statutory guidance.
Local Outcomes Improvement Plans stock-take: emerging findings
A summary of the emerging themes from a recent stock-take of all available Local Outcomes Improvement Plans (LOIPs).
Performance Management: Good Practice Principles
Good practice principles for performance management at CPP and community planning partner level, developed by the Community planning Improvement Board