Short-term local government transformation projects

There are six short-term local government transformation projects, which are seeking to develop and implement changes as part of the transformation work.  These projects specifically focus on surfacing and implementing immediate opportunities for improvement that can create scope for bigger transformation.

Each of these projects has a Chief Executive sponsor and a Project Director who lead discussions and actions.

Information about each project, including an outline of the scope and approach and details of any discovery work that has been undertaken, is available in the project information packs below.

The projects

Collaboration within the local government sector on procurement

Chief Executive Sponsor: Angela Scott, Aberdeen City Council
Project Director: Karen Algie, Falkirk Council
Procurement Project Information Pack

Four business cases are nearing completion with support from the project team, subject matter specialist networks and Scotland Excel:

  • Waste - focusing on bulky waste and contract co-ordination.
  • Fleet - focusing on developing a standard specification for small electric vans under 3.5T with the view of scaling this to other vehicle types once benefits have been demonstrated and an updated procurement portal with CCS.
  • Digital - we are developing two digital business cases, focusing on national systems and using housing management and fleet management as the test for change, with a view to scaling this over time.

Analysis of local government's statutory and discretionary services

Chief Executive Sponsor: Angela Scott, Aberdeen City Council
Project Director: Karen Greaves, Orkney Islands Council
Statutory Services Project Information Pack

The project team is undertaking a mapping and analysis of local government’s statutory and non-statutory services, identifying subject matter experts beyond the project team to surface blind spots in the identification of pain points and ideas.

The full implementation of Crerar for Local Government

Chief Executive Sponsor: Angela Scott, Aberdeen City Council
Project Director: Lesley Brown, East Lothian Council
Crerar Implementation Project Information Pack

A report detailing the findings and four recommendations from the discovery phase of the project was submitted to Solace Scotland in August 2024. The Project Director continues to have exploratory conversations with colleagues (including Audit Scotland and the Improvement Service self-assessment team) to scope potential priority projects for each of the four discovery report recommendations.

Development of a digital to-be state for Scottish local government

Chief Executive Sponsor: Nikki Bridle, Clackmannanshire Council
Project Director: Martyn Wallace, Digital Office

Identification of new digital shared services that could be delivered nationally or regionally

Chief Executive Sponsor: Maggie Sandison, Shetland Islands Council
Project Director: Andy Campbell, Improvement Service
Digital Shared Services Project Information Pack

Currently, the project roadmap outlines a sequence of development phases for six projects in early 2025:

  • Blue Badge
  • Visitor Levy
  • Digital Young Scot NEC
  • PASS Verify App and Young Scot Integration
  • Young Scot Membership App
  • Community Payback

The project team continue to scope other projects surfaced on the digital shared candidate list via engagement with council leaders, digital leaders, thematic networks and other workstreams within the Solace/ IS Transformation project.

Example of active communities/participatory design

Chief Executive Sponsor: Monica Patterson, East Lothian Council
Project Director: Derek Crichton, Dumfries and Galloway Council
Active Communities Project Information Pack

Four key outputs are underway, three of which act as scaffold for the repository of case studies identified at project inception as a core aim.

  • Output 1: A critical analysis that summarises the key concepts and evidence available, and what it means for our starting point.
  • Output 2: A repository of examples of community action nationally/ internationally
  • Output 3: An asset map that summarises current enablers in Scotland
  • Output 4: A blueprint that directs to actionable building blocks for the future.

For further information on the short-term transformation projects, contact Rachael Hood.