The Improvement Service continues to support Community Planning Partnerships in the ongoing refinement and implementation of their Local Outcomes Improvement Plans (LOIP) and Locality Plans. Support is also offered to work with CPPs to determine the most appropriate governance and performance management structures to assist in the delivery of the LOIP. Of particular importance, is ensuring that CPPs are well placed to deliver on the community empowerment agenda.
Key elements of our support, can include working with CPPs to:
- profile and assess how communities in the local authority area are performing against life outcomes, in order to support the CPP to identify the local outcomes which it will prioritise for improvement
- identify interventions that the CPP could implement to help it achieve improvements in the local outcomes it has prioritised, using available evidence of what works, particularly in relation to prevention
- provide support to agree realistic but stretching targets for improvement for each of the local outcomes it has prioritised, based on evidence of the likely impact of agreed activities/interventions
- support the development of transparent and accountable performance management arrangements that will enable the CPP to track and evidence progress against local outcomes, report publicly on progress, better understand where they are/are not having a positive impact and inform decision-making about future approaches to targeting inequalities and improving outcomes
- support the agreement of appropriate governance arrangements to oversee delivery against local outcomes
Working with NHS Health Scotland and Audit Scotland, the Improvement Service recently completed a ‘stock-take’ of all published LOIPs. The report was approved in May 2018 by the Community Planning Improvement Board (CPIB). A key recommendation in the report was that the OEPB would support the Improvement Service, working with relevant stakeholders, to continue to develop and deliver appropriate support for CPPs. Therefore, in addition to the support identified above, it will also include assisting CPPs to contribute to the wider transformation agenda being pursued through public service reform across a range of agencies (who are already part of local CPPs).
The types of support and interventions provided will be tailored to each CPP and will be dependent on the skills and capacity available locally within the CPP.
For more information on this work, contact Gerard McCormack on 01506 283852.
Community Empowerment Act: summary of short and medium term expectations of CPPs
This briefing note summarises the Improvement Service’s understanding of the key expectations and requirements of community planning partnerships arising from the Community Empowerment Act (2015) and associated statutory guidance.
Local Outcomes Improvement Plans stock-take: emerging findings
A summary of the emerging themes from a recent stock-take of all available Local Outcomes Improvement Plans (LOIPs).
Performance Management: Good Practice Principles
Good practice principles for performance management at CPP and community planning partner level, developed by the Community planning Improvement Board