The introduction of participation requests, while potentially challenging for traditional ways of working, can also be viewed as a positive opportunity to encourage active participation as a matter of course. A number of CPPs are already actively engaging with communities to work towards jointly improving a wide range of local outcomes. This approach seeks to improve understanding of the issues under consideration, use the full range of talents within communities and develop sustainable and cost-effective improvements. A framework and approach that routinely encourages active participation is likely to reduce the incidence of one-off, reactive participation requests.
Whichever approach is taken, CPPs should consider how they will ensure that:
- communities are aware of their ability to engage and make a participation request in the outcome improvement process and clearly understand the process for doing so
- communities have appropriate administrative, communication and logistical support to arrange meetings, disseminate views, consult on issues, etc, including access to digital or social media support;
- participation events and opportunities are fully publicised, inclusively organised, and meet high standards of participatory practice
- communities have the opportunity to participate in setting out how public funds can be used to address local need. Support where required, should be given to those with additional barriers to participation.
Community Empowerment Act: summary of short and medium term expectations of CPPs
This briefing note summarises the Improvement Service’s understanding of the key expectations and requirements of community planning partnerships arising from the Community Empowerment Act (2015) and associated statutory guidance.
Local Outcomes Improvement Plans stock-take: emerging findings
A summary of the emerging themes from a recent stock-take of all available Local Outcomes Improvement Plans (LOIPs).
Performance Management: Good Practice Principles
Good practice principles for performance management at CPP and community planning partner level, developed by the Community planning Improvement Board