The Money Advice Service and the Money Advice Outcomes Team, Improvement Service worked in partnership to deliver the first Talk Money Scotland Annual Conference. The event was planned as part of the National Talk Money Week, which is an annual event organised as part of the Financial Capability Strategy for the UK, with the aim to get more people to #TalkMoney.
The UK Financial Capability Strategy aims to improve financial capability across the UK. That means improving people’s ability to manage money well, both day to day and through significant life events, and their ability to handle periods of financial difficulty.
Five new Calls to Action have been announced as part of The Financial Capability Strategy’s ambitious vision of how, together, we could move effectively towards a more financially capable nation. Based on robust insight and evidence, these Calls to Action focus on the five essential building blocks of financial capability: savings, credit, debt advice, retirement and financial education.
The event was hosted by Aberdeenshire Council in the Elected Members building on the 16 November 2018, and was attended by a range of people working across the public, private and third sector.
The event featured presentations and breakout sessions covering a wide range of topics related to financial capability, to raise awareness of the need to continue to improve financial capability interventions and to showcase work organisations are doing to deliver on the financial capability action plan.
Links to the programme, videos, presentations, social media highlights and feedback from delegates and exhibitors at the event can be found below.
Niall Alexander, Carnegie UK Trust
Breakout Sessions
Download the presentations from the breakout sessions below.
Stepping Forward with StepChange
Sharon Bell, StepChange Scotland
Money Matters Maternity Matters SNIPS (Special Need in Pregnancy)
Geraldine Cotter and Audrey Laing, Money Matters Advice Service
Helping Employees to Look After Their Money
Andrew Collings, Neyber
Prevention is Key to Eradicating the Money Lending Activity in Scotland
John Pollock, Trading Standards Scotland
Scotland’s Debt Solutions - Are They Fit for Purpose/What Would Improve the Landscape?
Alex Reid, Accountant in Bankruptcy
Lunchtime Sessions
Child Poverty, Health and Wellbeing—Facing up to Child Poverty in Schools
Ashleigh Jenkins, NHS Health Scotland
Insight on the Scottish Financial Education Forum (SFEF)
Steve Stillwell, Money Advice Service